Bistrița-Năsăud County
Capital - Bistrița (Population: 94523)
Județul Bistrița-Năsăud, situated at the foothills of the Eastern Carpathians, is distinguished by its impressive Carpathian landscapes and rich forests, offering untapped potential in wood processing, eco-tourism, and outdoor adventures.
Sectors of activity by the number of employed persons in 2022:
1. Industry (including manufacturing): 32.4 thousand persons
2. Wholesale and retail trade: 17.6 thousand persons
3. Agriculture, forestry, and fishing: 15.5 thousand persons
4. Construction: 13.1 thousand persons
5. Transport and storage: 8 thousand persons
6. Health and social assistance: 6.6 thousand persons
7. Education: 5.1 thousand persons
County specialization: The economy of Bistrița-Năsăud is rooted in the traditions of former Saxon guilds, reflected today in the production of metal products, wood processing, wire and textiles, followed by the production of electrical and electronic equipment for vehicles.
Tourism: Bistrița-Năsăud offers stunning Carpathian landscapes and rich forests, renowned for glacial lakes and mineral springs that attract eco-tourists and nature enthusiasts alike.