Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Use for the INNO Online Platform

The INNO platform is owned by the North-West Regional Development Agency. Your use of this website constitutes your agreement to adhere to the "Terms and Conditions of Use" outlined below.


Inno.ro provides the information on this website for general informational purposes and does not guarantee its accuracy at any given time, although every effort is made to ensure accuracy at the time of publication on the site.


The content, design, structure, as well as the materials of the INNO platform belong to the North-West Regional Development Agency (and its collaborators/users, where mentioned) and are protected by Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and related rights, with subsequent amendments and completions.

The electronic texts of the documents on this website are the result of the technical processing (data processing) work of the specialized department of the North-West Regional Development Agency. Thus, although the information itself is public and not protected by copyright, copying/reproduction/distribution or republication of the electronic texts is prohibited, constitutes an offense, and is punishable according to current legislation. The North-West Regional Development Agency reserves the right to claim damages for any harm caused by the unauthorized use of its texts by third parties.


To create an account on the INNO platform, it is necessary to provide the following personal data: name, surname, email address.

Customer information may only be used by the North-West Regional Development Agency for purposes associated with promoting its own services and products, specifically for:

  • Sending current information via notifications;
  • Promoting events in which the North-West Regional Development Agency participates, through occasional notifications.

In accordance with Regulation no. 679/2016, the North-West Regional Development Agency informs the user of the following:

  • Personal data will be stored for 5 years after being made available to the North-West Regional Development Agency;
  • The user has the right to request access to, rectification, or deletion of their personal data, as well as restriction of processing. The user also has the right to object to processing and to data portability. Please send such requests to inno@nord-vest.ro.
  • The user has the right to lodge a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing (ANSPDCP) if they believe there has been a breach of obligations regarding the protection of personal data by the North-West Regional Development Agency;
  • The personal data of the user is provided to the North-West Regional Development Agency based on these general conditions.


The following actions are prohibited:

  • Commercial use of the website's content;
  • Transfer, introduction, modification, or deletion of data contained or restriction of access to this data;
  • Copying of the database. The North-West Regional Development Agency reserves the right to impose access restrictions in cases of unusually high numbers of views and/or downloads of documents;
  • Building a similar database using the text of documents extracted through the INNO platform. For the purposes of this agreement, a database is understood as an IT structure for storing or retrieving various information;
  • Transmitting texts obtained from accessing our database to a third party (individual or legal entity) for the purpose of creating or improving a database similar to the one covered by this agreement.

Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of use will result in liability according to the provisions of Law no. 8/1996 and Law no. 161/2003.


The North-West Regional Development Agency team makes constant efforts to ensure that the information provided on the inno.ro website is correct and up-to-date, but it does not assume responsibility for any errors/omissions that may be present.

By using this platform, you agree – regardless of circumstances – that both the North-West Regional Development Agency and its collaborating consultants cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information provided/contained/omitted, nor for any losses or damages of any kind suffered by the user relying on information obtained from the inno.ro website. The North-West Regional Development Agency reserves the right to update and modify, at any time and without notice, the content and structure of the inno.ro website, as well as the right to delete content entirely or partially.

The content of the website is purely informative and does not substitute official publications, and cannot be used as a legal basis for any action/proceeding against third parties.

In making a decision based on the information contained on this site, we recommend consulting other sources of information, as the responsibility for decision-making lies entirely with you. inno.ro does not assume responsibility for damages resulting from the use of the site's services, regardless of their nature.


The North-West Regional Development Agency assumes no responsibility for the content of third-party websites linked to on inno.ro. Use of these links implies leaving the inno.ro website and is at the user's own risk.


inno.ro reserves the right to change the content and terms of use of the websites. The new conditions become applicable from the moment they are made public by being posted on this site and do not have retroactive effect.

All provisions in these Conditions, as well as all other legal information on this website, are subject to the laws applicable in Romania. In the event of disputes arising from the breach of the conditions and terms set out in this document, as well as any other legal references on the site, disputes will be referred for resolution to the competent courts in Cluj-Napoca.