Urban Plot: 800m² in Spermezeu, Near Beclean, Bistrița Năsăud


DJ171 196, Spermezeu 427275
Bistrița Năsăud
Territorial and Administrative Division
Legal Owner
Spermezeu City Hall
Property Details

Land area (m²)
Land Type
Classification lv. 1
Classification lv. 2
GPS Coordinates
47.296594, 24.159504
Land Shape
Street Frontage (meters)
Neighboring Properties
Private properties

Electrical Voltage
Medium Voltage
Position in Relation to the Nearest Electricity Source
17 km
Position in Relation to the Nearest Gas Source
12 km
Position in Relation to the Nearest Potable Water Source
Water from wells
Position in Relation to the Sewerage Network
The commune does not yet have water and sewerage
Type and Strength of GSM Signal (1-5G)
Type and Speed of Internet (Fiber Optic, Cable, Mbps)
Optical Fiber
More information about utilities
The commune is eligible for water supply through the county's Master Plan. Sewage infrastructure improvements are also planned, with 5 million euros in funding secured through the Anghel Saligny program for the establishment of a sewage system with a treatment plant. In October 2023, the CL 12 Lot 2 Works Contract was signed, which includes the provision of a new water supply system in Spermezeu UAT.

Position in Relation to Major Cities or Municipalities (km)
Beclean - 30 km; Dej - 35 km; Bistrița - 70 km
Position in Relation to Nearest European Roads (km)
E58 - 12 km
Position in Relation to Nearest Highway (km)
A3 - 110 km
Position in Relation to Nearest Border Crossings (km)
Border crossing point, DN19A - 153 km
Position in Relation to Nearest Seaports (km)
Constanța - 700 km
Position in Relation to Nearest International Airports (km)
International Airport "Avram Iancu" Cluj Napoca - 83 km

Accessibility by Public Transportation
Accessibility for Large Trucks
Access Restrictions
Not the case
Possibility of Natural Disasters
Not the case
Development Regulations

Investment Opportunity

What are the advantages and benefits offered to the investor?
The Spermezeu commune comprises 8 villages and is located near the city of Beclean, which offers several advantages. Beclean, the second largest city in Bistrița-Năsăud County with 13,000 inhabitants, has attracted 60 million euros in investments and is continuously developing. Spermezeu's proximity to Beclean facilitates commuting. The area's specific economic activities include milling, shepherding, sheep farming, folk costume making, animal husbandry, and fruit growing. The Spermezeu commune has attracted approximately 10 million euros in investments and is also undergoing continuous development. It features modern schools, a gym, paved roads, and a cultural center. Additionally, a 2,000 lei allowance is granted for each newborn child. Currently, a 2 million euro project for road reconstruction and a 1.5 million euro project for infrastructure modernization are in progress.