Prime 1.6 Hectare Land Opportunity in the Outskirts of Sângeorz Băi, Bistrița-Năsăud County


Sangeorz - Bai, 425300
Bistrița Năsăud
Territorial and Administrative Division
Sângeorz Băi
Property availability
Ready for investment
Legal Owner
Sângeorz Băi City Hall
Proposed Contract Type
Estimated Price (€/mp)
Prior and Current Legal Disputes
Not the case
Property Details

Land area (m²)
Land Type
Classification lv. 1
Classification lv. 2
GPS Coordinates
47.346188, 24.665927
Land Shape
Street Frontage (meters)
Neighboring Properties
Public domain


Position in Relation to Major Cities or Municipalities (km)
41 km - Bistrița, 57 km - Beclean
Position in Relation to Nearest European Roads (km)
24 km - E 58
Position in Relation to Nearest Highway (km)
153 km - A3
Position in Relation to Nearest Border Crossings (km)
222 km - Petea Border Crossing point
Position in Relation to Nearest Seaports (km)
694 km - Constanta Harbor
Position in Relation to Nearest International Airports (km)
138 km - Cluj Napoca International Airport

Accessibility by Public Transportation
Yes, but the access to the area is made by crossing a greater distance, because the land is on the course of the Someșul Mare river. There is an urban mobility project approved for financing by PRNV, which, among others, provides for the construction of a Road Bridge to connect with the Delta area, respectively the purchase of electric minibuses.
Accessibility for Large Trucks
Yes, but the access to the area is made by crossing a greater distance, because the land is on the course of the Someșul Mare river. There is an urban mobility project approved for financing by PRNV, which, among others, provides for the construction of a Road Bridge to connect with the Delta area.
Access Restrictions
Currently there is only one access option in the area, but there is no road bridge.
Possibility of Natural Disasters
Possible flooding
Development Regulations

Environmental Restrictions
Investment Opportunity

What are the advantages and benefits offered to the investor?
The proposed land is an extensive business support structure for both local and foreign investors. The main function of the studied area can be: industry, agro-industry, storage and complementary functions: services, trade, offices, service homes, workshops, public food, banking activities, gas stations. Also, a series of related services can be carried out: provision of utilities, cleaning and security, commercial and catering services, accounting services, business assistance, insurance services and others similar to them or directly related to them. Geographical positioning is an advantageous one, in the southern part of the Rodna mountains, good road accessibility, favorable soils, the upward trend of the population, the increase in the number of homes, natural tourist attractions, the special natural landscape, the existence of cultural objectives of particular importance, the organization of events cultural and artistic periodicals, etc.