Investment Opportunity: 1 Hectare in Acâș, Satu Mare
Other Domains


Near Acâș Thermal Baths
Satu Mare
Territorial and Administrative Division
Legal Owner
Acâș City Hall
Property Details

Land area (m²)
Land Type
Classification lv. 1
GPS Coordinates
47.546131, 22.794077

Large Infrastructure

Position in Relation to Major Cities or Municipalities (km)
27km - Tășnad, 44 km - Satu Mare, 54km - Zalău
Position in Relation to Nearest European Roads (km)
1km - E81
Position in Relation to Nearest Highway (km)
56 km - A3
Position in Relation to Nearest Border Crossings (km)
48km - Petea Border Crossing Point
Position in Relation to Nearest Seaports (km)
816 km - Constanța Harbor
Position in Relation to Nearest International Airports (km)
87 km - Maramureș International Airport, 159 km - International Airport Avram Iancu, Cluj Napoca

Development Regulations

Investment Opportunity

What are the advantages and benefits offered to the investor?
The town of Acâș, the center of the commune with the same name, is located south of Satu Mare, at a distance of 38 km, on the E81 road axis, on the left bank of the Crasna River, at the junction between the Crasnei Plain and the Tașnad High Plain. Acâș can also be reached by rail, the line between Carei and Jibou also passes through the center of the community, which also includes the towns of Mihăieni, Unimat and Ganaș. The locality has a multi-millenarian existence, materials from the bronze, iron, pre-feudal and medieval ages have been discovered on this territory (the most valuable piece discovered is a gold bracelet found in 1855 in the Crasna bed, kept today in Vienna). Activities specific to the area: Agriculture Animal husbandry Tourism Main economic activities: Cultivation of cereals and grains (excluding rice) Legume Beekeeping Trade Facilities offered to investors: Creating jobs for the citizens of the commune Industrial Park (Acâș Production Hall) Opportunities: Favored area for business in tourism, agriculture Road, rail, airfield - Baile Termale Mihăieni