1100 sqm Land with Building, Satu Mare County


Înfrățirii Street, 153
Satu Mare
Territorial and Administrative Division
Property availability
Available at anytime
Legal Owner
Tășnad City Hall
Property Details

Land area (m²)
Land Type
Classification lv. 1
GPS Coordinates
47.510393, 22.573209
Land Shape
Regular Shape/Straight Edges
Street Frontage (meters)
Neighboring Properties
Private properties

Electrical Voltage
Combined Options Available
Maximum Electrical Capacity
5 kw
Position in Relation to the Nearest Electricity Source
Maximum Gas Pressure (Nm³/h)
Position in Relation to the Nearest Gas Source
Maximum Potable Water Pressure (m³/h)
Position in Relation to the Sewerage Network
Across the property
Type and Strength of GSM Signal (1-5G)
Large Infrastructure

Position in Relation to Major Cities or Municipalities (km)
4km - Tășnad,22km - Carei, 56km - Satu Mare
Position in Relation to Nearest European Roads (km)
30km - E81
Position in Relation to Nearest Highway (km)
42km - A3
Position in Relation to Nearest Border Crossings (km)
30km - Urziceni Border Crossing Point
Position in Relation to Nearest Seaports (km)
824km - Constanța Harbor
Position in Relation to Nearest International Airports (km)
90 km - Oradea International Airport, 110 km - Maramureș International Airport

Accessibility by Public Transportation
Accessibility for Large Trucks
Access Restrictions
Not the case
Possibility of Natural Disasters
Not the case
Development Regulations

Built Area, Height or Structural Restrictions
POT = 30%, CUT = 0,9,H = S/D+P+1+M, L3
Subterranean, Overhead, or Airspace Obstructions
Not the case
Environmental Restrictions
Not the case
Investment Opportunity

What are the advantages and benefits offered to the investor?
Tașnad offeres services and jobs through which it manifests its role as a polarizing center, by attracting labor from the villages belonging to it and from the villages of the neighboring communes, that is why the profile of the educational institutions in the city of Tașnad kept pace with the new trends, preparing workforce in specializations with increased chances of insertion on the labor market. The city of Tășnad is a quasi-mono-industrial city, with an urban population dependent on manufacturing and agriculture and a rural population with traditional subsistence households, but which provided additional income to those from the manufacturing/car manufacturing industry. 636 economic agents operate in the city of Tășnad (2.23% of the total economic agents in Satu Mare County) with a turnover of 1 billion lei (232.1 million euros) 5.33% of the turnover in Satu Mare County ) through a number of 1,127 employees (1.84% of the total number of employees in Satu Mare County). The businesses generate a profit of 54.1 million lei (12.3 million euros) (4.14% of the net profit made in Satu Mare County). The highest turnover is generated in the CAEN sector: 161 - Auxiliary activities for vegetable production 776.7 million lei (176.5 million euros) Changing the weight of economic activities towards the sphere of services and tourism, a major chance of economic recovery at the level of the Tășnad area. The tourist area certified as a tourist resort of national interest Ability to process raw materials from neighboring areas – leather, fabrics, food, etc. Availability of labor available in the area. Qualified persons through qualification courses, poly-qualification, specialization for trades, services, construction, tourism