5 ha near the Industrial Zone, Șimleu Silvaniei


455300 Șimleu Silvaniei, Cehei street
Territorial and Administrative Division
Șimleu Silvaniei
Property availability
Available at anytime
Legal Owner
Șimleu Silvaniei City Hall
Proposed Contract Type
Prior and Current Legal Disputes
Not the case
Method of taking possession
Direct Assignment
Additional Information
At this moment, no constructions are built on the proposed land.
Property Details

Land area (m²)
Land Type
Classification lv. 1
Classification lv. 2
GPS Coordinates
47.244947, 22.763055
Land Shape
Street Frontage (meters)
Neighboring Properties
N: DJ108F; E: private property; V: UAT Simleu Silvaniei; S: private property. Extension possibility for another 15 ha
More information about the property
Depending on the needs, the investor can opt for another geometry.

Electrical Voltage
Medium Voltage
Maximum Electrical Capacity
3 MW
Position in Relation to the Nearest Electricity Source
Maximum Gas Pressure (Nm³/h)
Position in Relation to the Nearest Gas Source
At the property limit
Maximum Potable Water Pressure (m³/h)
Position in Relation to the Nearest Potable Water Source
At the property limit
Wastewater Disposal (m³/h)
Position in Relation to the Sewerage Network
At the property limit
Type and Strength of GSM Signal (1-5G)
Type and Speed of Internet (Fiber Optic, Cable, Mbps)
Data speed at fiber optic level, 1000 Mbps
Large Infrastructure

Position in Relation to Major Cities or Municipalities (km)
29 km - Zalău, 8 km - Pericei, 44km - Tășnad
Position in Relation to Nearest European Roads (km)
27 km, The ascent / descent point of the Transylvania highway, on the section currently under construction, is positioned at only 8 km. The geographical positioning of the city is in this sense at approx. 50 minutes (by road) from the cities of Cluj Napoca and Oradea.
Position in Relation to Nearest Highway (km)
8 km (in construction), 80 km from existing highway
Position in Relation to Nearest Border Crossings (km)
86 km - Petea Border Crossing Point
Position in Relation to Nearest Seaports (km)
795 km - Constanța Harbor
Position in Relation to Nearest International Airports (km)
110 km - Maramureș International Airport

Accessibility by Public Transportation
Accessibility for Large Trucks
Access Restrictions
Not the case
Possibility of Natural Disasters
Not the case
Development Regulations

Built Area, Height or Structural Restrictions
At this moment, the land is partially outside / inside the build-up area of the town, it results that a zonal urban planning documentation is needed. Through this documentation, with the specific industrial function, the construction norm can be updated, according to the needs.
Subterranean, Overhead, or Airspace Obstructions
Not the case
Environmental Restrictions
According to the regulations and laws in force
Investment Opportunity

What are the advantages and benefits offered to the investor?
The land is located near the industrial area. In the future, the area will be included as an industrial park. The whole area (as well as the whole city) is in a continuous development. Our city serves an area of ​​approx. 35% of the county, this translates into approx. 60,000 people. Therefore, the labor force is within a limited range of approx. 20 km. As facilities granted to investors by local authorities (in addition to national ones), they can be: exemptions from taxes and fees, mediation and bringing the utilities to the needs of the investor. As before, the local authority is in close contact with the private sector, always having a proactive approach in solving any problems or needs.