Strategic Land Parcel: 4.5 Hectares for Sale or Rent in Sălacea

A 4.5-hectare land parcel situated in Sălacea commune, approximately 60 kilometers from Oradea and 25 kilometers from the Valea lui Mihai border crossing point. Located within the urban area, this land is available for sale or rent, depending on the level of investment interest. It is fully connected to utilities and the local administration stands ready to provide support for any investment development needs.
Salacea - Limit DC 9, exit Salacea to Pir SM
Territorial and Administrative Division
Property availability
Available at anytime
Legal Owner
Sălacea City Hall
Proposed Contract Type
Prior and Current Legal Disputes
Not the case
Additional Information
There is also the option of sale, depending on the investment.
Property Details
Land area (m²)
Land Type
Classification lv. 1
GPS Coordinates
47.453653, 22.255568
Land Shape
Street Frontage (meters)
Neighboring Properties
BurgaProd Mill, other agro-industrial units
More information about the property
There are also two buildings, once used for stables, which require substantial modernization/renovation.
Electrical Voltage
Medium Voltage
Maximum Electrical Capacity
40 kW
Maximum Potable Water Pressure (m³/h)
5bar - water source capacity
Wastewater Disposal (m³/h)
Pumping station capacity 2 L/s, treatment station capacity 450 m3/day
Type and Strength of GSM Signal (1-5G)
4G, Digi, Orange, Telekom
Type and Speed of Internet (Fiber Optic, Cable, Mbps)
Large Infrastructure
Position in Relation to Major Cities or Municipalities (km)
25 km - Marghita Oradea 60 km, Debretin - 60 km
Position in Relation to Nearest European Roads (km)
5 -10 km DN 19 Oradea - SM, 21 km - E671
Position in Relation to Nearest Highway (km)
55 km Biharia Borș, 65km - Debrețin HU
Position in Relation to Nearest Border Crossings (km)
25 km - Valea lui Mihai
Position in Relation to Nearest Seaports (km)
800km - Constanța Harbor, 850km - Trieste
Position in Relation to Nearest International Airports (km)
Oradea International Airpot - 65 km, Debretin Airport - 60 km
Accessibility by Public Transportation
Available, aprox 20 km railway Marghita, Săcueni
Accessibility for Large Trucks
Yes, especially after the construction of the agricultural detour road
Access Restrictions
Not the case
Development Regulations
Built Area, Height or Structural Restrictions
Not the case
Subterranean, Overhead, or Airspace Obstructions
Not the case
Environmental Restrictions
Not the case
Investment Opportunity
What are the advantages and benefits offered to the investor?
First of all, the human resources available in Sălacea and neighboring communes. The lowest possible taxes according to the legislation in force, Connection to utilities, Assistance for speedy approvals, certificates, Experience of the administration in managing contracts with the private sector, etc.