17 Hectares with Railway Access in Valea lui Mihai, Bihor County


Valea lui Mihai
Territorial and Administrative Division
Valea lui Mihai
Property availability
Available immediately
Legal Owner
Bioval SRL
Proposed Contract Type
Prior and Current Legal Disputes
Not the case
Method of taking possession
Direct Assignment
Property Details

Land area (m²)
Land Type
Classification lv. 1
Classification lv. 2
Land Registry Number
51275, 51594, 51609, 51611, 51612, 51614, 51615
GPS Coordinates
47.527639, 22.167013
Land Shape
Regular Shape/Straight Edges
Street Frontage (meters)

Electrical Voltage
Medium Voltage
Position in Relation to the Nearest Electricity Source
230 m
Type of Main Electricity Source
Fossil Fuel
Maximum Gas Pressure (Nm³/h)
11 kWh
Position in Relation to the Nearest Gas Source
property line
Maximum Potable Water Pressure (m³/h)
15 l/s, 3 bar
Position in Relation to the Nearest Potable Water Source
property line
Position in Relation to the Sewerage Network
property line
Type and Strength of GSM Signal (1-5G)
2G,3G,4G,5G/Vodafone, Orange, Digi
Type and Speed of Internet (Fiber Optic, Cable, Mbps)
Optical fiber, 1000Mbps
Large Infrastructure

Position in Relation to Major Cities or Municipalities (km)
Oradea - 70 km, Carei - 30 km, Satu Mare - 65 km
Position in Relation to Nearest European Roads (km)
800 m to E671
Position in Relation to Nearest Highway (km)
50 km to A3/M4 (HU)
Position in Relation to Nearest Border Crossings (km)
11 km to Nyírábrány – Valea lui Mihai (Érmihályfalva)
Position in Relation to Nearest Seaports (km)
Constanta - 864 km
Position in Relation to Nearest International Airports (km)
80 km to Oradea International Airport, 65 km to Satu Mare International Airport

Accessibility by Public Transportation
No public transport
Accessibility for Large Trucks
Access Restrictions
Depending of the gauge, tonnage, bridges
Possibility of Natural Disasters
Not the case
Development Regulations

Investment Opportunity

What are the advantages and benefits offered to the investor?
Exemption from paying land taxes, arranging the access road, connecting to utilities, etc Regarding the structure of economic agents, depending on their field of activity, we see a profile focused primarily on trade: 35.3 percent are active in the field of trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. The share of agricultural companies is 10 percent, followed by enterprises registered in the manufacturing industry (9.2%) and professional, scientific and technical activities (8.6%). In the town of Valea lui Mihai, light industry predominates, more precisely the manufacture of footwear and the processing of textile articles. The access to the railway network and the traditional relations with the city of Debrețin, respectively the accessibility from several directions on several means of transport are strong points. From a socio-demographic point of view, the city community "is functional". The dependency rate of the inactive population is relatively low (lower than the average dependency rate specific to localities in the microregion), the dynamics of the mortality rate is decreasing.