Green Digital Innovation at Cluj Innovation Days 2024
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Cluj Innovation Days is a major annual event dedicated to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. The event aims to facilitate cross-industry and cross-sector collaborations for the emergence of new business models with social impact. This edition marks 12 years since the establishment of Cluj IT Cluster. This year's edition focused on two major themes: green digital innovations and cybersecurity. Day One was dedicated to discussions about concrete projects and challenges faced in the field of green digital innovations. Andrei Kelemen, CEO of Cluj IT Cluster, announced the construction of the TechNation Romania platform, which will facilitate the convergence between digital and green. The main objective of this day was to encourage actors in the local ecosystem to work towards putting Romania on the map as an exporter of green solutions. This edition also emphasized reducing the environmental impact by measures such as reducing promotional materials and reusing badges. Day Two explored the challenges and opportunities in the field of cybersecurity, an essential aspect in the context of accelerated digitalization. Experts from various fields analyzed the latest trends and offered solutions to combat cyber threats. The event highlighted major challenges for Europe's global competitiveness. Its decline compared to other continents and countries (China, United States of America) is amplified by the labor force exodus and population aging. To counteract these trends, participants stressed the need to change the perspective from "brain drain" to "brain gain." It was also proposed to move from "made in Cluj-Napoca" to "invented in Cluj-Napoca" to stimulate local innovation. Another central point of discussion was the green and digital transition, with an emphasis on implementing non-polluting visions. Experts debated how digital transformation can contribute to creating environmentally resilient ecosystems. The role of innovative technologies and unconventional approaches in strengthening sustainability and reducing environmental challenges was emphasized. A panel dedicated to sustainability education explored how companies can integrate green practices into their core strategies and operations. Another concrete example presented was the transformation of the sustainability reporting system at Accenture Industry X Romania using data from IoT (Internet of Things) sensors. This demonstrated how technology can revolutionize the way companies collect data, providing new insights and facilitating proactive actions regarding non-compliance risks. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the green digital transition was a recurring theme, highlighting the technology's potential to support a more competitive and greener Europe. The second day of the conference focused on two essential themes for organizations in the digital age: cybersecurity and digital transformation for SMEs. A panel of experts addressed how organizations that provide services to the general public prepare to prevent and mitigate cyber threats. The discussions focused on state-of-the-art technologies and strategies that can cope with emerging threats and vulnerabilities. Participants discovered how these solutions are reshaping the cybersecurity landscape and creating a safer digital environment for everyone. A practical workshop took place at the end of the day, presenting a wide range of services and opportunities tailored to the specific needs of SMEs undergoing digital transformation. The workshop presented the DIH4Society initiative, which stimulates innovation, facilitates collaboration, and improves the digital capabilities of organizations to thrive in the digital age. Participants learned how they can benefit from the resources and support offered by DIH4Society to successfully digitize their operations and increase their competitiveness.
0264 431 550
3 Dorobanților, Cluj-Napoca
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