LevelUP Accelerator
First Health & Life Sciences Accelerator in Romania. Apply by September 25th and seize the opportunity!

Accelerate your idea with us

The LevelUP Health & Life Sciences Accelerator is an intensive 5-month program designed to accelerate early-stage (under 5 years) life sciences startups. Within the accelerator, teams will receive expert support in areas such as customer discovery and understanding, solution development and validation, fundraising, obtaining certifications, and pitching. The LevelUP Accelerator is completely free, and founders are not required to give up equity to participate. Apply by September 25th and seize this opportunity!

What you get

Personalized support

The accelerator caters to the individual objectives of each startup.

Created for your field

The first accelerator in Romania designed for businesses in the life sciences fields.

1:1 mentorship

Ongoing access to experienced mentors through 1:1 sessions throughout the entire program.

Wide array of know-how

Business Model, Legislation, Financing, Product Market Fit, Networking, and much more.

Funding opportunities

Post-program support in identifying and applying for public and private funding.

100% free

Each startup will receive free support, without giving up equity or shares.

International network

Access to an extensive network of entrepreneurs, industry experts, investors, and potential customers.

Business consultancy

The startups will have free access to business consulting sessions, tailored to their needs.

Venture capital

At the end of the program, you will have the opportunity to pitch your idea to groups of investors.

The ideal candidate...

  • Has an early-stage startup (1-5 years old)
  • Offers an innovative solution (MVP) in the health or life sciences field
  • Is based in the North-West region (Bihor, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Cluj, Maramureş, Satu Mare, Sălaj)
  • Has a registered company or will register one by the end of the program
  • Has a team of at least one person working part-time on the startup
  • Can commit 10-20 hours per week to fully benefit from the program
  • Can attend the bi-monthly meetings in Cluj-Napoca
  • Is comfortable pitching in English

Life Sciences

Are a set of scientific fields that focus on the study of living organisms and the biological processes that govern them. Here are some life sciences branches, but this list is not exhaustive:

  • Health
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Agri-food
  • Genetics
  • Cosmetics
  • Biotechnology (agricultural, environmental, industrial etc.)
  • Medical devices
  • Food supplements
  • Waste treatment
  • Biofuels
  • Applications open
    23 August 2024
  • Application deadline
    25 September 2024
  • Introductory bootcamp
    17 October 2024
  • First meeting
    31 October 2024
  • Cut-off
    12 December 2024
  • Last meeting
    13 February 2025
  • Demo Day
    27 February 2025
Program structure
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Introductory bootcamp
October 17-18 - Selected teams will kick off the program with a 2-day bootcamp, where they will choose their mentors and define a personalized roadmap.
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Bimonthly meetings
October 31st - February 13th - Meetings will take place every two weeks on Thursdays. During these meetings, teams will present their progress, discuss how they've completed their assignments, receive feedback from experts, and participate in specialized training to progress to the next level.
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October 31st - February 13th - Throughout the accelerator, participants will have access to experienced mentors who will guide them in achieving their set goals. Between sessions, teams will have at least one hour of 1:1 mentoring.
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December 12th - The cut-off is an evaluation and elimination process that takes place mid-program. Startups will present their solution and progress based on the roadmap set at the beginning in front of a jury of experts.
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Demo Day
February 27th - On Demo Day, participants have the opportunity to pitch their solution to a specialized audience consisting of investors, experts, and prospective clients.



Anca Roman

Department Head



Andreea Lungu

Communication & Community Building Expert @INNO


Ana Boghean

Investor Relations Expert



Alexandra Alupei

Public Institution Relations Expert @INNO


Why LevelUP Accelerator?


1. How can LevelUP Accelerator help me?

In addition to specialized training sessions, 1:1 mentoring, and business consultancy, LevelUP Accelerator offers you the opportunity to meet and work alongside the most important stakeholders in the regional entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem in Health and Life Sciences. Additionally, at the end of the Accelerator, the startups will pitch their solution in front of a group of investors and potential clients.

2. Which startups are eligible?

All startups that offer a solution in the fields of health and life sciences and have already established a company or commit to establishing one by the end of the program are eligible.

3. What are life sciences?

Life sciences are a set of scientific domains that focus on the study of living organisms and the biological processes that govern them. Some of the fields that are part of life sciences, without being limited to these, are agronomy, nutrition, anatomy, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, biotechnology, biological engineering, medicine, veterinary medicine, neuroscience, nutrition, wellness, toxicology, ecology, microbiology, botany, pharmacy, virology, zoology, etc.

4. How many members of my team can participate in the accelerator?

Each team can send two participants, either founders or core members. To ensure a comprehensive experience and effective progress, we suggest that the same individuals participate throughout the entire program.

5. How much time do I need to invest in the program?

The LevelUP accelerator is customized for the needs and objectives of each startup, so the amount of time invested will vary from team to team, but we anticipate a required commitment of 10 to 20 hours per week. In-person meetings will take place once every two weeks (4-5 hours/meeting), and between meetings, each team will need to make progress or complete a series of tasks based on their own roadmap (10-20 hours/week) and have one-on-one sessions with mentors (1-2 hours/week).

6. What happens during the bimonthly meetings?

Each bi-weekly meeting will follow a three-part structure: (1) teams will provide updates on their progress based on their individual roadmaps, (2) they will participate in an advanced theoretical workshop, and (3) they will work on a practical exercise under the guidance of experts to solidify their understanding of the concepts presented.

7. Where will the in-person meetings take place?

The meetings will take place in Cluj-Napoca, once every two weeks, on a Thursday. The location of the meetings will be communicated to all participants in advance.

8. What prizes will be awarded at the end of the program?

The LevelUP accelerator offers a range of support services but does not provide any cash prizes.

9. Do I need to give up equity?

No, founders do not need to give up equity or shares to participate in the program.

10. Can I sign up if I only have an idea?

Yes, if either (1) it is an idea developed within an existing company targeting one or more fields of life sciences or (2) it is an idea targeting one or more fields of life sciences and you commit to founding a company to develop the idea at least 3 months before completing the program.

11. What expenses are not covered?

The North-West Regional Development Agency's INNO department will fully fund the accelerator program. Participants will only be responsible for covering their own transportation and accommodation costs in Cluj-Napoca, if necessary.

12. Can I get in touch with the organizing team if I have more questions?

Of course! If you have further questions, you can email us at inno@nord-vest.ro