Județul - Cluj
Reședință de județ - Cluj-Napoca (Populație: 324267)
The county’s industrial was on an upward path before the COVID-19 health crisis, rising 5.4% in January 2020 compared to 12 months prior, also up 8.2% in fiscal value. Constantly growing, the county employs around 20,000 people in IT&C. Cluj-Napoca, the capital of Cluj County, is Romania’s second-largest city and Transylvania’s economic and cultural heart. The area, a long-time industrial, academic and trade leader on a regional scale, also sports the country’s second-busiest airport. Home to a handful of historic universities, Cluj-Napoca is now reinventing itself as a destination with a diversifying economy that blends technology, manufacturing, IT&C, leisure and hospitality, as well as professional, business and financial services.
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